How to Buy

Promotional Campaign

Listen buy and stay

Across the whole 2019, every customer who comes to listen our speakers and will make a purchase, for every 900 euro spent he will be offered a two people stay of one night and one day half board with a local elegant and sophisticated farmhouse: you’ll have the opportunity to improve your listening experience, and, in the meantime, to visit an area among the beautiest of Italy, rich of history, delicious food and fine wines: we are only one hour and a half drive from Monte Bianco, the highest mountain in Europe, and two and a half from the principate of Monte Carlo! Please feel free to contact us for further informations

Sales Policy

Let us make clear one point: you won’t find our products everywhere. Not for sure in audio fairs or magazines. We won't advertise anywhere, and so on. This would only bring additional costs, which should increase the selling price: a nonsense, in our  opinion, because we want to give you the best possible loudspeaker at the lowest possible price.
We don’t want to make thousands speaker every year: our production is, and it will always be, a craftsman process, almost totally handmade, so we couldn’t make big numbers even if we wanted to, and we don't want.
We like our work, which is based on our  passion for music, not for business, so we want to share the results only with people passionate like us.
Additionally, the product concept itself would make difficult the traditional distribution process, because every V&A speaker is built on order, with the specific finish required by the customer. The product warranty lasts five years, and it covers materials and labour: back and forth shipping costs will be at customer’s charge.



Purchasing process

1Model Choice
  • The purchasing process starts with the customer listening to the product: we won't allow any sale which is not anticipated by a customer listening test. So, no order through the internet, sorry. The listening session can happen here at our place, at one of our resellers or wherever one of our existing customers will be so kind to allow access to his system (see “where to listen” section).
2Finish Choice
  • Once the choice is done, the next step is to decide how your speakers will be finished. The catalog with the samples of all the possible finishes is available at every listening point.
3The Order
  • Once models and finishes have been determined, the customer makes the order by depositing an advanced payment of 50% of the purchasing price, and it is determined the realization timing, usually  within a period of time between 8 to 12 weeks, which will be, in any case, confirmed  before the order acceptance. At the same time it will be determined if the products will be picked up by the customer or shipped to his door by express freighter. In case of our delay on the agreed availability timing, we’ll recognize to the customer an additional 3% discount of the total order value for every week of delay.
  • Once the order is completed, the customer will be informed of the availability and will be required to deposit the due balance: this will allow the pickup or shipment of the goods, as previously agreed at the time of the order. The goods will remain available for a maximum time of three months from the confirmation of the availability: shouldn’t we receive the due balance within this period, the customer will loose his downpayment and the goods will remain in our property